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pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Pipa Peterson 314 Standard
« en: Septiembre 17, 2016, 09:17:57 am »
Imgur es el que tengo, en fin, habrá que intentar nuevamente...

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Clan Aromatic
« en: Septiembre 17, 2016, 09:15:43 am »
Muy rico tabaco, para fumar con el estómago lleno sino uno puede sufrir de nicotinazo. Hay que fumarlo despacito pues de lo contrario es mordedor (pica en la boca y la deja cascada)

Muelle Público / Re:Nuevo integrante
« en: Septiembre 04, 2016, 07:42:59 am »
Bienvenida, aquí encontrarás todo tipo de información y luego vete preguntando las dudas que se te puedan presentar. Había un hilo que hablaba de las inmobiliarias no recuerdo como se llamaba, allí hay mucha info sobre como proceder en la compra y donde dirigirse, es decir con personas e inmobiliarias que sean de confianza

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Pipa Peterson 314 Standard
« en: Septiembre 04, 2016, 07:37:19 am »
Por mas que intento subir una imagen no lo logro. En fin, en internet se encuentran con cualquier buscador.

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Pipa Peterson 314 Standard
« en: Septiembre 04, 2016, 07:36:18 am »
Para el día de hoy se ofreció para una labor matutina una Perterson 314 S de corte Bent y boquilla de baquelita, la cual fuma muy bien, liviana como para llevarla en la boca o bien sostenerla con la mano.

Y para el que quiera leer algo sobre el particular, aquí su reseña:
This Black Cavendish Aromatic is a selection of matured Virginia tobaccos from Brazil and Africa blended with a loose cut mellow Black Cavendish. A tasteful flavour consisting of Vanilla, Walnut and Honey has been added.

Brand   Peterson
Blended By   Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type   Aromatic
Contents   Black Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring   Alcohol / Liquor, Amaretto, Honey, Irish Mist, Vanilla, Walnut, Whisky
Cut   Ribbon
Packaging   50g Tin
Country   IE
Production   Currently available
Product Image
Mild to Medium
Mild to Medium
Room Note
Favorite Of 4 Users

53 reviews Reviews
4 star:  15
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Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Hunter (51)   2011-10-30   
Mild   Mild   Mild   Very Pleasant
A long-time aromatic smoker, this one is not overpowering in any sense. You can taste the VA and Cavendish and a hint of the walnut actually makes itself gently felt throughout the bowl. The honey is definitely there, but the vanilla is very light indeed. A very mild smoke, it lights well and burns to a clean ash.

Wife rates it as very pleasant and smells like someone has been baking something - but not a sweet, overpowering room note.

Not my favorite Peterson, but a very pleasant smoke. I will keep this on in my rotation.

11 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
machinebcon (50)   2012-04-06   
Mild   Mild   Mild   Pleasant
Generally I like light aromatic tobaccos (which would be called 'classic Danish'). De Luxe is one of those 'classic Danish' Peterson aromatics, which has a brilliant chocolate-roasted hazelnut-wafer tin aroma, with loads of Black Cavendish - no "broken flakes" as the blurb says, but a well-conditioned ribbon mix. The smoke is comparably unspectacular, a bit more flavoured than Larsen's No. 32, similar to Sweet Killarney, but less cased than Sunset Breeze or Connoisseurs Choice. Very low nicotine level, at least for me as ex-cigarette smoker. No tongue-bite, but some condensation. This seems to be an optimal morning-coffee smoke, as it is very decent, quite sweet, and leaves a pleasant room note. It burns down perfectly, keeps the walnut-honey taste throughout the whole bowl. Not much punch here, this is a soft, round, creamy, warm and sweet-fragrant smoking experience which I recommend to smokers who don't want to pay much attention to the smoking process, but enjoy a bowl with a cup of coffee and a newspaper. The underlying tobaccos are first class, this is a balanced, unobtrusive composition. I give it 4 out of 5 points!

6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
StevieB (902)   2014-02-28   
Medium   Medium   Very Full   Pleasant
Peterson De Luxe mixture ...De Luxe is a very fitting name for it as it tastes sublime ! It is not at all overly omnipotent in the aromatic department but for my pallet just right . The honey is the most pre-eminent additive but you still get a nice "hint" of the others in it . It has a very auspicious sweetness to it which does not overpower the wonderful Cavendish and Virginia flavours . I don't get any tongue bite from it and if inhaled I find the nicotine to be at a good balance . The closest match I can think of is Sam Gawith Black Forest .I will be sure to keep some of this close to hand !

Pipe Used: Mr Brog

Age When Smoked: New

Purchased From: Smoke King

Similar Blends: Sam Gawith Black Forest.

4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Cumarinophil (104)   2015-03-17   
Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Medium   Pleasant
Peterson De Luxe Mixture belongs to a rare type of aromatic, that will allow you to enjoy tobacco taste and a fair amount of strength in coexistence with the added aromas. It is creamy, nutty and slightly sweet, but not annoyingly so. The mixture may develop some edge with the char light, which is going to smooth out after a couple of calm draws.

I liked it infinitely better after I aired it out a little and but it away for a couple of weeks. Pairs nicely with a hot cup of coffee in the afternoon.

Pipe Used: Various with and without filter

Age When Smoked: fresh to 2 yrs

Similar Blends: Peterson Connoisseur’s Choice.

2 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Eulenburg (193)   2005-03-23   
Extremely Mild   Strong   Extremely Mild (Flat)   Unnoticeable
A cliché schlurpy aromatic, like there are 9000 in the market, oozing with fake, chemical vanilla. What, for heaven's sake, is the point??

If you like a decisively aromatic blend with a luxurious high taste, try BLUE NOTE.

2 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Roger Xavierq (33)   2015-08-06   
Mild   Very Mild   Mild to Medium   Very Pleasant
This is one of the best aromatics I've ever tried. I bought myself a tin from the Peterson shop in Dublin. I finished it pretty fast, smoking a bowl of it every night. Smells wonderful in the tin and stays faithful to its aroma throughout the bowl. Very well balanced and in a perfect moisture level, it can be smoked immediately after opening. Burns evenly and cool, this blend will most certainly be appreciated by aromatic lovers as well as by people who are not so into Cavendish blends.

For me, this blend brings fond memories from the years I lived in Ireland.

Pipe Used: Ropp Pipo

Age When Smoked: fresh from the tin

Purchased From: Peterson shop in Dublin

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Supo (3)   2015-06-27   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Very Pleasant
For starters, the Tin note is exquisite... The melding of (genuine, not cheap or artificial) vanilla and honey steal the show, and that ever so light walnut character combined with the first 2 ingredients, makes this smell like a candy. A candy that I want to wash my face with, or stuff into my pillow so I can smell it while I am sleeping.

While this is definitely NOT your hard-core piper's blend or a major league gamer, it is more akin to just having its own modest place, in the world of aromatic Cavendish dessert-like blends --which the maker seems to have nailed with so many of its reliable blend varieties.

The Virginia's ribbon cut is classic Peterson. Clean and near perfect quality cut, while the Black Cavendish bits look delicious. Have to hand it to the Scandinavian Tobacco Group for blending this one so nicely. The balance of Black Cavendish to Virginia is spot-on, for this tasty little number.

Moisture upon opening the tin, is right where it should be in my opinion (although some people i know found their tins were a tad dry). once transferred to a hermetically sealed jar, I was good to go.

She packs nicely, but takes a bit of effort to get evenly lit in the bowl. I had to relight a time or two after tamping too. As with many of these Peterson Aromatic blends, she can burn a bit hot, and can bite if you start hauling like a chiminea- so use your piping skills to curtail the aforementioned.

Once I settled down, it mellows out, that lovely honey flavor starts to shine through. The vanilla--ever so faint, and walnut not there as a distinct flavor, but I think its enhancing the honey. I would not recommend taking this one all the way down to the end of the bowl, as it can start to raunch-out around 3/4 the way through. Room note is mellow, and vanilla cuts through. Low nicotine methinks, and it leaves a kind of a nice light vanilla taste on the tongue for a while.

Overall Impression: What a nice, mellow and tasty smoke. Liked it so much, that I bought a second tin... This is an anytime of the day smoker, and a nice change-up tobacco to alternate from, if you're into stronger more straightforward smokes. (I treat it as somewhat of a nice, light palate-cleanser...)

This one will be in my regular rotation for a while.

Pipe Used: Brigham System

Age When Smoked: New

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Juan Nyte (2)   2014-10-01   
Mild   Mild   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
This is my first shot at pipe smoking. I was recommended by my tobacconist to start with aromatics and this was his choice.

Straight up from the tin there is a hint of vanilla and caramelish scent(pardon a novice's nose). I could'nt find the walnut though it was stated on the label.

My first try was horrendous with plenty of tongue bite (my fault naturally). I could not taste anything but during subsequent smokes I managed to enjoy the hint of sweetness from the flavouring (still deciding what is it). The smoke emitted could be rather thick in my opinion.

Room note is pleasant. The sweet scent is not overpowering and enjoyed by non-smoker.

One thing I like about De Luxe Mixture is the caramelish smell that lingers on my moustache once I'm done. I think this is a good start for beginners to learn about aromatics. Waiting for my orders from

Pipe Used: Savinelli Trevi

Age When Smoked: New

Purchased From: Habanos

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
TallPuffO'Burley (358)   2014-02-03   
Medium   Medium to Strong   Mild to Medium   Pleasant to Tolerable
I am very picky about aromatic blends and I do like this one a lot. The flavor of the topping remind me much of Captain Black Royal, but the quality of the leaf and absence of excessive humectants elevate this to another level. To me the level is the top of the chart. Not my favorite aromatic, but four aromatic stars for this one.

Purchased From: local B & M

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
krg1000 (164)   2013-12-13   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Medium   Very Pleasant
This was one of my first ventures into the Peterson line. A nice little aromatic that can be enjoyed right out of the tin without waiting for it to dry. Of course YMMV. Leaves a nice room note during and after smoking this nice blend. Recommended.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
FunnyPipe727 (20)   2011-07-04   
Mild to Medium   Medium to Strong   Mild to Medium   Pleasant to Tolerable
Peterson's got a lot of great tobacco, a few nasty ones, and then there's this. I can't decide if I really like it or not. It's very middle of the road. However, I am optimistic and will recommend this to anyone looking for a spicy, sweet, winter blend. This one is like a spice cake, or gingerbread. Some love it, but for most of us, it's something we like, but don't go crazy for, even if we only get it once a year. For starters, the tin note is very prominently cased smelling. It has a familiar sweet scent belonging to our humble, sweet chum, Black Cavendish, and a very prominent anise like smell. Although I'm not the biggest fan of anise, I'm sure someone out there is. Regardless, the smoking quality could be better. It's rather wet and sticky, so let this one dry as it is heavily cased. That being said, it isn't a casing that's nasty, like Captain Black's Cherry. This one is done right. Cased aromatics, no matter how finely crafted, are going to taste/smell like cased aromatics any way you slice them, but I digress; De Luxe is sweet, full, creamy, and toasty, but you'll soon realize that the amaretto scent/taste is not easily suppressed. When burned, it tastes like anise, and it's very noticeable. No subtlety with that baking spice flavor. Pumpkin spice, Nutmeg, Ginger and Anise are all flavors that can be found in this blend. Despite its claim to feature Vanilla as its main staple, that flavor kind of takes the back seat during this ride. It's there, but its not singing along with the radio up in front. It's back there playing GameBoy, only periodically raising its head to ask, "Are we there yet?" Although this may sound negative, I will say it again, I can really see how someone could love this, it's just not my cup of tea. Word of caution though, it smokes hot, as is characteristic of cased aromatics. However, smoke this stuff slow, and it tastes just like those spicy cookies your grandmother makes every year. You look forward to them, realize after going a year without them, there's always something charmingly off about them. But that's why you like them. They're not your favorite, but you can't imagine Christmas without them. This blend is good when there's snow on the ground, and the smell and delightful flavor will distract you from Jack Frost nipping at your toes. I recommend pairing this with a mulled wine, hot cider or even some egg nog.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
UncleDoc (8)   2010-06-12   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Medium   Very Pleasant
I`ve tested 7-8 blends from different companies.Honestly this is the best one so far.I really LOVE the essence,aroma and taste of this tobacco.It has a fantastic room note and even my non-smoker neighbor loves it!thanks to Peterson. Very good choice for beginners or veterans.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Gilthoniel (25)   2010-05-17   
Mild   Medium to Strong   Mild to Medium   Very Pleasant
This became my favourite baccy as soon as I lit it. It's the only aromatic I've encountered which smells just as nice when smoking as it does in the tin - if not nicer. I was wafting the smoke towards my nose to breath the lovely aroma in the first time I smoked it. Real presence of vanilla, but there's enough tobacco to satisfy a cigar smoker like myself, too.

This tobacco doesn't deserve the rather low rating it has - put it this way: if you don't like aromatics, you won't like it; if you do, then come on in, the water's fine!

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
ynrozturk (40)   2010-03-18   
Very Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
I like this blend and I don't understand the amount of negative reviews this has gotten. If you don't like aromatics, then why review one and give it a horrible score? Makes no sense to me.

Letting this blend breathe out for a bit will make it 10 times better, from my experience. The smell and flavor comes out a lot more natural once it is aired out. Packing and lighting is easy. I just light, tamp, relight and forget about it.

Yes it's light, but you can still taste the tobacco in there, and it tastes, in my opinion, really good. The flavoring is also very nice - not too strong, not too light. Just the right amount of balance.


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Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Tom Bombadill (95)   2009-06-27   
Mild   Mild   Mild to Medium   Pleasant to Tolerable
NOTE: This type of blend takes time/bowls to appreciate which I think accounts for the disparity of the reviews on this page. I started out wanting to give a rating of 1 because the blend seemed to be so mild it was unsatisfying.

However, good number of bowls in I really started enjoying the subtle flavor of the tobaccos. The first several bowls tasted like I was smoking air. I think this is due to it being a very light aromatic. It's not a "candy vanilla" smoke. Just a hint of vanilla. Eventually I started to really enjoy the taste of the Virginias. Mild tobacco and vanilla flavor. Basically, a mild aromatic and a great blend for the neophyte.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Tantric (284)   2005-02-26   
Mild   Medium to Strong   Mild to Medium   Very Pleasant
From a purely aesthetic point of view this is a wonderful tobacco. Jet black Cavendish intermingled with golden strands and reddish leaf, not only elegant, but visually very enticing. There is Peterson quality here alright. Short ribbon cut and tightly pressed, I was surprised to find this is a tobacco with lower moisture content than Irish Oak or Old Dublin.

Tin aroma is very sweet, in a nauseating-borderline-kind of way. It is not Captain Black Royal, but there is no mistaking as to the deep cased nature of this mixture: virtually no real tobacco smell, the basic impression is that of a heavily vanilla cased leaf, with some other sweetening ingredients added (presumably, a very muted honey and walnut essence).

Flavour wise, you really have to be an aromatic lover to enjoy this mixture. It is exceedingly sweet (albeit not in a goopy or steamy form) from the moment you light it up to the last strand in the bowl. Though less aggressively, it does remind me of Captain Black and Middleton's Sweet NuttyVanilla, two mixtures I have smoked in the past due to the scarcity of other blends. However, the added honey/walnut essence tends to temper the excessive sweetness, and somewhere near the mid bowl mark I am able to taste an ever so mild tobacco flavour that almost makes the experience worthwhile. But no sooner do I taste it than the vanilla flavour settles down again, unfortunately ruining the whole thing.

Due to its low moisture content, this tobacco smokes rather dry (not cool), and it should be noted that it does have the virtue of not biting, unless you puff enthusiastically. This is certainly a crowd pleaser, as the room aroma seems to have a hypnotic effect on those around you. The ladies don't seem to mind it, to the point that they may even look your way, with a smile and wink. Other than that, I would not recommend this blend except as a beginners' tobacco or to those who have yet to experience the heavenly simplicity of a pure Virginia flake or the earthly grandeur of Latakia-Oriental mixtures.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Giovanni Palomino (21)   2016-01-25   
Medium   Medium   Medium   Pleasant
The Tin aroma is very pleasant feels nutmeg, vanilla and honey, burns pretty well not very hot which helps you to maintain your healthy tongue feel the taste of tobacco and a good load of nicotine makes your extremely pleasurable smoke, personally I like the aromatic feel when smoking tobacco in the taste, and that I do it only in few tobaccos such as Captain Black - Dark and in the VBC of McClelland. the aroma in the room is quite nice and emphasizes more the aroma of walnut. Finally I am very fond to the mark for being the one that introduced me to this noble art.

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sge (2)   2014-09-22   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
A pleasant but subtle aromatic, strong vanilla notes with some nutty after taste. Burns well. Neither unpleasant or particularly memorable. Having said that, I do not usually smoke aromatics, so perhaps I am being unfair. And I have only smoked a couple of bowls so maybe it's a grower.

Room note is wonderful.

Age When Smoked: new

Purchased From: Peterson shop, Dublin

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pop pops pipe (28)   2014-07-13   
Mild   Mild   Mild   Very Pleasant
Ok, I taste walnut and honey but where's the vanilla ? I don't know what to say about this blend ? Its cool, smokes nice, smells good, but lacks taste ? Old School Captain Black from the late 70s was better than this ! Its not a bad tobacco I just wish it had more flavor? Can't rate it bad though Because a newbie would enjoy it. I gotta try smoking this for my first pipe of the day, maybe I'll appreciate it more. Until then, I probably wouldn't buy it again unless I was stuck. I'd rather smoke Troost than this !

Gave it a try for my first pipe of the day and it was better. My tin seemed dry though, last time I smoked a Peterson blend it was Irish oak and it too was dry. Its a quick tobacco in fact too quick ! Lasts about 30 min. Stanwells melange is a better blend by far ! The aroma was nice with this, my wife calls it cakey! Its okay but I don't think I'd buy it again.

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Umlilo (5)   2013-11-28   
Extremely Mild   Mild to Medium   Extremely Mild (Flat)   Pleasant
I'm fairly new to pipe smoking and have now tried quite a few blends. I was started on some fairly sickly aromatics that fried my tongue even when smoking lightly. I then tried this and found it just right, the quality of the tobacco seems good and I find I can smoke a bowl on one light or two with some tactful tamping leaving a clean ash in the bottom with no gloop.

The tobacco is very mild and having tried some stronger blends I found I was sucking on this when I came back to it to get some nicotine and the chilled feeling only to heat it up too much. That said it didn't frazzle my tongue like some of the heavily flavoured aromatics I tried before.

The smoke produced seems quite thin if that makes sense - fine for smoking in the car - I can still see out of the windows! The aroma in confined spaces is pleasant. I think I have found stronger blends now which I prefer but would say as a new pipe smoker that this kept me on the road to try more after having some bad experiences. I'd recommend this to a new smoker.

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jlmdoval (11)   2013-09-09   
Mild   Mild   Mild   Pleasant
Not bad. I was a bit disappointed for the vanilla flavour is unnoticeable. Walnut is much more present there. There was a little tongue bite (which I take the blame for it). Great smoke and even burning from beginning to the end of the bowl.

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maigret fan (67)   2013-06-03   
Mild to Medium   Mild   Mild   Pleasant
A nice aromatic, suitable for the smoker willing to have a try with aromatics, but not on the level of other aromatics from the brand. The blend of the tobaccos is fine in itself but the aromas are a little weak. The 'nutty mixture' from the brand is more remarquable.

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pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Peteson De Luxe Mixture
« en: Septiembre 04, 2016, 07:30:52 am »
Para hoy se ha ofrecido un tabaco rico, suave, dulce y bien aromático, alicorado de buen aroma en el ambiente y sedoso al paladar de la marca Peterson, no se si se vende en el país, si bien han ingresado ahora mucha variedad que con tiempo espero poder compartir con todos vosotros. La pipa es una Peterson 314 Standard Bent que fuma muy bien. Si el tabaco estuviera en el país costaría $330 que es lo que cuestan otras de la misma empresa

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Lata Pergamon
« en: Septiembre 04, 2016, 07:25:30 am »
Así es, Don Alfredo, como para que al amparo de una salamandra y acompañado de unos buenos mates, rico café o una copa de vino o trago a su elección disfrute de una pipa y el tabaco que se ofrezca para esa labor, mientras la mente viaja entre las volutas de humo que danzan en el aire...

Buen día, Manolo, Amparo!, un gusto encontrarlos Don Vito y Don Mariosi, gracias por la invitación suya y acepto un café con leche con tostadas de pan casero en la mesa que se formó en la ventana y cerca de la salamandra que de la que se escucha el lento crepitar de la madera mientras el aroma a madera asoma a través de ella

recetas de cocina / Re:PAELLA DE MARISCOS EN LA ISLA
« en: Septiembre 04, 2016, 07:07:55 am »
Que sabrosa se las ve y que detalles con las conchas alrededor de la paellera. Todo un gourmet, Don Diego!

recetas de cocina / Re:PIZZA a la parrilla
« en: Septiembre 04, 2016, 07:06:11 am »
Que ricas ,se las ve, un lujo!

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Clan Aromatic
« en: Agosto 28, 2016, 04:01:58 pm »
El Clan Aromatic es como el Éxeter aquí, no por que se parezcan sino por que es un tabaco popular que todos fuman en Europa sin importar cuan excelso sea el paladar de cada uno o con que pipa costosa lo hagan.

También, se lo conoce como Clan verde porque hay uno colorado o algo rosado y un tercero que no recuerdo.
Conviene fumarlo despacio por que es mordedor dejando la boca casacada. El resto leer el review que mejor lo explica:

Black Cavendish, Burley, Cavendish, Kentucky, Maryland, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia
Flavoring   Alcohol / Liquor, Other / Misc
Cut   Shag
Packaging   50g Pouch
Country   DK
Production   Currently available
Product Image
Mild to Medium
Mild to Medium
Room Note
Favorite Of 5 Users

132 reviews Reviews
4 star:  10
3 star:  32
2 star:  36
1 star:  54
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Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
DrDyson (120)   2009-09-19   
Mild   Medium to Strong   Mild to Medium   Strong
Clan was a kind of gimmick tobacco back in the 1960s, mainly because of its odd and distinctive room note. In those days, no one had ever come across anything like it, and (along with Holland House) it enjoyed considerable popularity for a while, if only as an oddity. My then girlfriend loved it, and virtually insisted that I smoke it. In a certain sense it was (I think, looking back) a young man's tobacco: you smoked it if you wanted to smoke a pipe but wanted also to distance yourself from the St Bruno-smoking old codgers.

Clan still has its devotees, even in a world so full of exotic tastes and smells. It's cheap and cheerful, at any rate (once upon a time it was relatively pricey). It certainly isn't 'cool and slow burning', though. Even smoked slowly it's very hot and quickly gone, and it will certainly barbecue the beginner's tongue. You either like the room note or you don't (it isn't as pronounced these days as it used to be). I don't, and I find Clan far too hot to be enjoyable. It would be interesting to know what the '14 different tobaccos' are. The name and packet design seem intended to suggest that Clan has a Scottish character of some kind. I wonder why?

Worth a try, I guess, like everything else; but not recommended: too dry, too hot, too odd and bland in flavour. It's a tobacco that, to my mind, is all negatives and no positives, and I can't imagine why anybody likes it; I'd rather bite off one of my own fingers than smoke it again. To my taste, at least, Clan is horrible stuff.

Why, I wonder, do supermarket brands like this, mediocre or worse, become and stay popular enough to BE supermarket brands, available everywhere, whereas first-rate tobaccos are so hard to come by outside specialist tobacconists, and so often cease production? A deep question of economics, this.

Purchased From: Available more or less anywhere

Similar Blends: Similar to Holland House; but HH is far superior..

17 people found this review helpful.

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Causeway (4)   2013-06-14   
Very Mild   Very Mild   Mild   Tolerable
The horrors of Clan are well-documented on this site. To repeat what is often said: it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. It is a tobacco dreamed up by a cigarette smoker who is making a bad guess at the pipe-smoking experience. If you're reading, it's not even close, my friend.

It is often said that over-the-counter brands rely heavily on casings for effect and flavour. In Clan the casing is napalm, and the flavour is fire. It will burn your pipe, your fingers, your tongue; and it will probably toast the roof of your mouth if you're foolish enough to persist in smoking it.

Smoked in a pipe it is not really possible to differentiate between the different types of tobacco blended to make Clan; mainly because the pipe quickly becomes a fire tunnel. By rolling Clan in a cigarette it becomes possible to taste a variety of flavours. However, they do not mix well together - there's no subtlety or art in the blending; and the tobacco does not have a defining moment. Another major problem is that Clan appears to have no discernible nicotine hit, so as both pipe and cigarette tobacco it fails... it fails in every way.

It is mild enough because it tastes of nothing; its room note appears non-existent. I smoked it in three pipes - a 1980s Dunhill Bruyere, a 19th century Mahogany Meerschaum, and a no-name pipe. The Meerschaum gave me the best experience because I was able to sip. It didn't improve much, but at least I was aware I was smoking something other than the napalm casing.

Clan is still sold in supermarkets in the UK - it is almost always dried out because it has been sitting on the shelf for so long. I felt I wasn't giving the tobacco a fair chance without attempting to re-hydrate it; unfortunately any attempt to re-hydrate it results in it tasting even worse. I'm sure there is a way of reviving this tobacco by adding something innocuous - a slice of orange peel, or a potato peeling. Unfortunately I don't have the money to throw away on experimenting.

I've seen this tobacco referred to as cheap. In the UK, because of taxes, there is no such thing as a cheap tobacco - a bad pouch of Clan will cost you as much as a beautiful pouch of St Bruno. In such a situation you would think Clan would have been withdrawn a long time ago; yet it persists; staring sullenly at me across the tobacco counter, and every so often I answer its gaze by buying it, thinking I might be rewarded for my audacity. But every time it disappoints.

Not at all recommended. Not at all. Still, I feel reluctant to be so honest - if only because I fear Clan will be withdrawn from supermarkets and we'll find out afterwards, too late, that if only we'd crumbled some essence of cobweb into the pouch it would have become a world-class smoke. But I doubt it.

I doubt Clan very much.

10 people found this review helpful.

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dugistheking (1)   2013-01-04   
Medium   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
Hello All, I am new to pipe smoking - 28 years old. Being smoking lightly for 6 months now. First of all I love the smell of CLAN due to my father smoking it for over 40 years. That's all he ever smokes. From the moment you open the well dressed packing, you are to enjoy a lovely aromatic mild smell. The very fact it has 14 different tobaccos I find rather exciting. Im no experienced pipe smoker but I find clan easy to pack my pipe. Just 3 pinches , gently pressed and im ready to light. The tobacco seems light and comes apart easily. The smell in the packet is lovely but the real joy comes when you smoke it. I find clan lights easily (only requiring one light after the first "false light"). I can often smoke a whole bowl without relighting - about 15-20 minutes. Clan is also good for relighting a bowl over a period of 2-3 times in a day for example. The biggest issue I find is clan burns very quickly and hot compared to other tobaccos I have tried (only 2-3 others ). My advise is to enjoy slowly otherwise you will get a sharp tongue bite. When I smoke clan I get lovely childhood memories of summers days, cold winters, all with the smell of clan reminding me of those occasions. All in all, I think CLAN is a lovely , mild aromatic smoke, to be enjoyed by both new and old pipe smokers. I hope this review was helpful! One trick my dad taught me the other week (first time we smoked together!) was when your pipe is getting dim, put two fingers over the bowl briefly and puff a few times. This act like when you put a fold of paper over a fire place - the air is dragged through and ignites the tobacco - a perfectly lit pipe again!

6 people found this review helpful.

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Terrigar (5)   2013-06-26   
Mild to Medium   Medium   Medium   Pleasant
Okay, I'm gonna get caned for this but I kinda like this stuff. Every now and again it's nice to smoke an aromatic. I usually don't but what the heck. I get fruity kind of soft boozy flavours from this and a kinda coconutty finish. Plenty of smoke and smokes all the way down, very little dottle. I don't get any tongue burn even if I lean on it a little, if you really puff it'll probably bite but most stuff does. All in all, something I like now and again.

5 people found this review helpful.

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Granny Smith (23)   2014-11-09   
Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Mild   Very Pleasant
This tobacco is not as bad as people make out, though it's certainly not my fravourite blend. But it is available in most UK shops - my OTC tobacco of choice is Condor followed by St. Bruno though I will pick up clan from time to time. It is distinctive for its aroma which leaves an enjoyable room note and when smoked carefully it releaes a lot of flavour - whiskey being one of the flavours I detect. Though Clan can bite of smoked too quickly which is perhaps why it gets so many negative reviews. I couldn't smoke this full time as I tend to enjoy more earthy tobaccos like the excellent Old Dark Fired or Virginnia Flake but I'll certainly puff on Clan from time to time. As an aromatic I think it's quite good and doesn't deserve all the negative reviews. As a young inexperienced pipe smoker this was my brand of choice but these days, having explored the range of better tobaccos out there, I tend to indulge in Clan very rarely. It's still far from shit though and offers a reasonable fix of Vitamin N.

Pipe Used: Falcon limited edition white tip

Age When Smoked: three months old

Purchased From: Tesco

Similar Blends: Holland House Aromatic.

4 people found this review helpful.

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Lord Clam (5)   2013-05-02   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
It may be unfashionable to like mild, light, wife friendly blends but I am really enjoying Clan. It smells like sherry or whisky in the pouch, more accurately like sherry casked whisky.

It is very dry, and smokes like a furnace, but has wonderful floral notes with a hint of alcohol and spice. Steady nicotine hit and a pleasant room note. It is a nice accompaniment to food, booze or coffe/tea because it doesn't drown everything else out like stronger tobaccos.

A nice, all - round everyday smoke with enough to please the expert or the novice. A pleasant surprise and well worth the money!

4 people found this review helpful.

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ROMMER (17)   2007-09-03   
Medium to Strong   Medium to Strong   Very Full   Pleasant
Okay folks, here I am again updating my opinion of Clan and not only giving it 4 stars but also letting you all know why this underrated beauty is now my holy grain of all smokes.

Reason 1: Clans flavor is unlike any other pipe tobacco out there, it is utterly unique. Unlike Condor / St Bruno and most other English blends it misses out on the soapy overtones and instead tastes a lot like burnt toast with a herbal undertone...

Reason 2: However it is what Clan does to the pipe that overshadows the taste. Smoke Clan in any pipe and it immediately becomes a CLAN pipe. This stuff literally clings to the pipe and flavors it. Here is a true story. My grandfather (g.r.h.s) passed away over 10 years ago and I inherited his old pipe. Nothing grand, just an old Alco system pipe. I had not seen him smoke that pipe for at least 10 years prior to his death and yes, even after 20 years the pipe smelt of Clan. Not many tobaccos are that individual. Clan however is one of them. If you become a Clan smoker so do your pipes and after many bowls the taste just gets stronger and stronger. But how about the burn...

Reason 3: Some time ago now I gave up pipe smoking, yes prior to finding Clan I became utterly fed up with badly burning tobaccos, tobaccos that were wet and nasty, tobaccos that were expensive and useless. Clan however saved the day because imo it burns with the greatest ease of any tobacco in the world. It is never to wet when purchased and if you have any trouble at all just let it stand in the air for a few hours. It nearly always smokes away to a fine dust and is neither hot or fast burning. With Clan in the pipe you can smoke those pipes that you though were poor smokers, the stuff is made for the pipe.But again...

Reason 4: Smoking Clan is rebellious because most people try it once and give up, they never allow time to understand the tobaccos complexities. Those of us that smoke Clan are in a way the monority and thats a good poition to be in. Who wants to be just another St Bruno nut when he can be a Clan compadre!

Reason 5:The roots of Scandinavian Tobacco Group stretch to more than 200 years ago, when the three Danish tobacco dynasties, Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker, Copenhagen (founded 1750), C.W. Obel, Aalborg (1787) and R. Færchs Fabrikker, Holstebro (1869), launched their first products.

Say no more. Clan goes back donkeys years. I love it and I hope you will. If you dont then you can always send me your unwated tins and I will put them to good use ;)

Thanks for reading.

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ilDominante (11)   2004-02-01   
Medium   Medium to Strong   Full   Very Pleasant
I think there is a big misconception about both Clan and Flying Dutchman. Both blends, in their pure and fresh state are very pleasant, especially if you prefer aromatic tobaccos. The problem is that recently bad batches of both pipeweeds ended up on the shelves of European tobacconists (these blends don't make it overseas in the US for conventions of some sort). Bad batches meaning that the tobaccos are dry like hay, and thus when smoked not only lose their fragrances and complexities, but often burn one's tongue. I just bought a pack of each in Venice, and rediscovered the old Clan and Flying Dutchman which I used to smoke about 10 years ago. The tobacco was moist as it is supposed to be and lent itself for a very pleasant smoke. Indeed one can enjoy the oriental notes that Niemeyer cites in the description of both weeds. The Cavendish is very evident. Those bad batches must have been mishandled or let dry on the shelves, for finally I have been able to taste again the true form of these tobaccos which are indeed very pleasant even to the discerning smoker.

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artielon (6)   2014-05-22   
Mild to Medium   Medium   Medium   Pleasant
I wet a couple of pipe cleaners and seal them in the pouch for 12 hours (and whenever it gets too dry) because it´s usually too dry and biting otherwise. It improves the characteristics (coolness, burning) and overall taste considerably. I find no big difference to more expensive brands and its availability is a plus.

Pipe Used: Falcon Coolway with filter

Age When Smoked: relatively fresh

Purchased From: R-kioski, Finland

Similar Blends: Ashton Rainy Day.

3 people found this review helpful.

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BowHunter (12)   2010-05-05   
Medium   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
First: I love EM,, after years (I think more than 10) I bought again this tobacco. Clan. Most because it was my granfather and father tobacco, and also because I tried years before and I like the smell it leaves on pipes (of course pipes dedicated to aromatics).

I tried to smoke it very quietly, in relax and without strange worries. Kinda like "who cares about keeping lit, if it becomes too hot I'll let it go and cold down and then I'll re-lit"

wow! What a fresh and cool smoke! Not a single drop of wet, it smokes really dry, really nice aroma and good force.

Of course, be careful in filling the bowl and how do you smoke. If you are a hot smoker, bad taste is waiting for you.

In the end, very nice bowl, more than other famous aromatics and with a mildness grater than other "suggested" mixture, english or not.


For sure I'll smoke it again. It's a tobacco that wrote pipe history.

3 people found this review helpful.

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Eulenburg (193)   2002-08-11   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild   Pleasant
While the Dutch introduced tobacco cultivation to Java and Sumatra, what they grew there was essentially Virginia leaf, because only succulent, large-leafed tobacco can be grown in such a humid climate. The small-leafed tobacco from the Caucasus needs a more arid, more high-mountain kind of environment. It would rot under the Monsoon rain.

We call small-leafed tobacco "Oriental" because it comes from the Near East?not the Far East. The British call it "Turkish", because many of the lands where "Oriental/Turkish" tobaccos are grown were once part of the Turkish ["Ottoman"] Empire, even though the principal grower of these tobaccos nowadays tends to be Greece, which conquered its independence from the Ottoman sultans as long ago as the 1820s.

Clan is a typical Dutch-style Cavendish-processed blend: a wide variety of Virginia tobaccos pressed, steamed to open its pores, topped with a mild sweetening agent. It may then be blended with cased burley, to make it less biting, and because burley is much more receptive to flavouring sauces than Virginia. If any "Turkish" condimental tobacco is added, this is done with the object of avoiding a treacly feeling. A few leaves of Latakia or fire-cured Kentucky burley may be added to provide some body?not much, because mildness is the ideal in Dutch blending.

I swear I cannot tell the difference between CLAN and FLYING DUTCHMAN. There may not be any. In this category of classic aromatics, I prefer SAIL Yellow and AMPHORA Red. But there is a certain air de famille to all these Holland House Cavendish confections. They are beloved of mild-mannered patresfamilias all over Northern Europe.

(Because Americans tend to start their smoking careers with cheap, supermarket-sold, savagely-cased burley blends, they thereafter cast a prejudiced eye on all aromatic blends, once they feel they have "progressed" into "natural" blends. No such prejudice exists in Continental Europe, where quality aromatics are thought of as luxurious.)

Finally, one word of warning to believers in "aged" tobacco: beware of old aromatic tobacco. It does not age well at all. The casing agents go stale, and taste awful. Any "mediciny" taste in a Dutch blend probably means that the casing agents are beginning to go.

Like a stale lady's perfume, it is best avoided.

3 people found this review helpful.

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Pipestud (1453)   2002-08-07   
Mild to Medium   Very Mild   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
Seeing tantric's listing of this blend in the New Reviews section reminded me that I have never reviewed this blend although I smoked a pouch about a year ago. I scrambled for my diary to get out my notes (I have been keeping a personal tobacco review diary for about 25 years). Anyway, tantric's review pretty much sums up my feelings about this blend, except that I see no comparison at all between Clan and St. Bruno Flake.

Clan is indeed a finely shag cut tobacco. And boy, is it dry in the pouch -- indeed very similar to Flying Dutchman. It packs and burns well, and is a spicy son of a gun! I may be wrong, but I even detected a smidgen of latakia flavor in the smoke.

It can get steamy, so, have an ample supply of pipe cleaners. It can also be puffed up into the hot zone if not handled with care. All in all, an okay smoke, but I shall not ever smoke the stuff again.

3 people found this review helpful.

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Dogglebird (1)   2016-01-24   
Mild to Medium   Medium   Mild   Very Pleasant
I am neither young nor a beginner as a pipe smoker, but I have become accustomed to Clan. This is not a great classic for the connoisseur and it's not a tobacco I would want to smoke every day, but it does have a couple of big plusses for me. The first is that my missus loves the smell rather than complains about it(I'm banned from some of the stronger ones like Navy Rolls). The second is that it's gentle on the palate - you can light up at any time and enjoy a quick pipe while having a cup of tea, or while doing something else. I mostly smoke Dunhill Standard Mixture or Squadron leader, and this is a nice change - now and again.

Pipe Used: GBD - briar with Meerschaum lining

Age When Smoked: 58

Purchased From: Online

Similar Blends: Holland House.

2 people found this review helpful.

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natibo (128)   2015-10-18   
Medium   Medium   Medium   Tolerable
I tried this before reading the reviews and I was thinking to myself, I bet this is a beloved old European OTC blend. I found it had an unusual but pleasant taste and was quite satisfying.

Then I read the reviews! Boy to folks have this stuff. I must be in the minority. I am used to that as I am smarter and better looking than most people. Ha ha. I think it's a 2.5 start blend but am giving it three just to bump up its total score. Such haters.

2 people found this review helpful.

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ruraldean (3)   2014-05-29   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
Well, I've read the reviews, which reflect entirely that one man's meat is another man's poison. I've not smoked Clan before, so this is based on about five bowls.

Yes, it can bite. It can really bite, but only if you suck on your pipe like a McDonald's milkshake. A gentle sipping releases far more than most have revealed in other reviews. There's a big vanilla hit, and the stuff does smell like Bird's Custard Powder in the bag, however, a little TLC coaxes a nice, buttery flavour, if a little thin, from the easily packed tobacco. This is a one light bowl. I don't even bother with a charring light, but slightly under fill the bowl , spark up and puff down to a wonderful fine white ash. I use an air-pocket method of packing, which definitely helps.

Overall, this doesn't scare me, it's inoffensive, and it's easy to get hold of. Somewhat recommended with a caution about over-drawing, unless pain is your friend.

Pipe Used: MM Cob

Age When Smoked: 58

Purchased From: Tesco

Similar Blends: Scotty's Butternut Burley (but with bite).

2 people found this review helpful.

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silvatorres (5)   2013-02-20   
Medium   Mild   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
This has been the first acceptable pipe tobacco i have bought since i got back to smoking pipe last month.

Since i'm new here and this is my very first review, and yes i have a rather short experience with pipe smoking. Nevertheless i shall share with everyone my experience, so you can take it in consideration if you are a starter, just like me.

I must confess that my first contact with Clan was at a local convenience store where i went looking for some tobacco to get back to pipe smoking. The owner told me Clan aromatic was one of his best selling brands - I must say it's package really got me for it's good looks.

I've been smoking Clan frequently now. At first it felt very strong and i got some tong bite, because of my lack of experience. It burns hot in my opinion, but as you smoke it regularly you start to understand how to best do it.

I've smoked it indoor and outdoor and feel quite pleased with it, making a good companion for reading.

I was hopping it would taste just like it smells, but it doesn't. Nevertheless today i can start to distinguish some of its flavors in the taste and aroma it releases.

Note: 23/02/2013 - Smoked after cleaning the pipe with some portuguese liquor called "Licor Beirão", tasted really sweet, and proved to be very tasty smoked that way.

2 people found this review helpful.

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hamiltoncallum (3)   2013-02-15   
Strong   Medium   Medium   Pleasant
I am a fan of St. Bruno, but not of Condor. If you recognise either of these, you may find familiar flavours in this brand.

It does smoke rather hot, which is cured with frequent sipping.

Nicotine is noticable, typical of such 'over-the-counter blends here in the UK.

In light of the extreme number of tobaccos used to produce this blend, on top of the added flavourings, this tobacco produces subtle, complex flavours.

You will not taste ALL, or even most of the tobaccos listed, but you will not be dissapointed nonetheless, particularly if you smoke aromatics.

On a personal note, I will not smoke this often, but have a (cheap) pipe dedicated to it.

I usually smoke Virginia flakes, St. Bruno, Irish XX(Black Bogey), Coniston Cut Plug, and various Balkan/English blends.

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TheGalwegian (3)   2012-12-27   
Mild   Strong   Mild to Medium   Pleasant to Tolerable
Viewers will no doubt agree with my ratings up to the point of 'recommendation', where I deviate from the common opinion. Don't worry, I too find clan to smoke way too hot, to be a confused muddle of flavours and to bite like the devil's pet terrier, but I have just had a eureka moment (pipe smokers may say an 'epiphany').

Before Christmas I bought a pouch of the stuff, had all the old problems, but before leaving to visit my family I put two drops of peppermint oil in with it and left it back in the drawer. Upon returning (five days have passed) I found a completely reformed character!

The pouch smelled almost exactly like Murray mints, still lit nicely, but most importantly was an absolute JOY to smoke. Cool as you like, no bite, and the clusterfuck of flavours had transformed into beautiful complexity to be teased out a few at a time the whole way down the bowl.

This commonly available, dirt cheap blend I now hold up there with Samuel Gawith and Dunhill's aro's.

I've occasionally come across mention of peppermint used (in minute quantities) to 'cool' tobacco and reduce bite (one reviewer here went as far as to accuse SG's Squadron leader of being surreptitiously doped with the stuff on account of its mildness, as if it's a bad thing!), but the results here were astounding.

Try Clan, if you find the same problems as I did, consider the couple of drops. It may be the difference between a binned pouch and a fine smoke :)

2 people found this review helpful.

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Stewiebob69 (7)   2010-11-04   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant
I've been on another forum, and many people don't like Clan, but I find it very pleasurable if you smoke it right. I smoke it with my Mr Brog no47. This pipe has great, smooth air flow through the pipe (with it's 9mm filter), and as long as you lightly sip @ the pipe, the Clan tobacco burns slowly enough to release the flavours & taste to the bottom of the bowl. Just allow the smoke slowly roll over your tongue & into the olfactory senses in the nasal cavity to appreciate the delicate but cool flavours. As Clan is a fine cut tobacco, it needs a slow flow of air to burn, otherwise if you draw on the pipe too strongly it will burn too quickly and turn to ash straight away and give that harsh, bitter back bite. You know when the smoke is over as you taste the ash.

Packet smell: aromatic heathery, herby with touch of pine forest.

Taste & flavour: similar to it's fragrance, aromatic, heathery, herby, touch of resinous pine trees with a hint of liquorice at the end. Can be a bit sickly, so smoke in moderation. Mr Brog no47 has a small bowl size, so no problem there.

Room note: Pleasurable and fragrant.

A dessert smoke as opposed to something like St Bruno, which is more meaty and savoury in nature.

2 people found this review helpful.

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Carrot (13)   2010-10-13   
Medium   Medium   Medium   Pleasant
I have avoided buying supermarket tobacco for years after an unpleasant experience with Craven Ready Rubbed. Recently I found I'd run out of tobacco and was faced with Clan as my only option. When I bought it I thought that I would not like it. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I think this stuff is good. There are so many different tobaccos in this mix it's imposible to pick one out. I don't normally like aromatics but I liked Clan. The other good thing about this stuff is that it's readily available and It's cheap. I'll be smoking Clan on a regular basis from now on.

I see that this tobacco has had a lot of negative reviews. But I like it and I have not once had tongue bite, not one bit. After reading all the bad reviews I can't be sure we're smoking the same tobacco because I think it's really good. Oh well, try it because like me you may enjoy it. But many people don't like it.

2 people found this review helpful.

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Moçambicano (13)   2009-02-22   
Medium   Mild   Medium   Tolerable
I began pipe smoking around 1992, when I entered college. It was a time when tobacco wasn't considered a weapon of mass destruction, smoking was still considered to be a somewhat glamourous activity, and "Big-Cigarette-Tobacco" multinational companies hadn't started to buy and debase smaller blenders of pipe mixtures.

My parents then offered me a small pipe smoker's kit, which included an affordable "Amphora Milos" dutch filter pipe, and a huge 250 gr tin of Clan tobacco, which was by that time produced by Theodorus Niemeyer (nowadays the Clan brand belongs to British-American Tobacco Company and is blended by Orlik in Denmark).

Those where the days of pipe smoking. Me and my colleagues would spend whole evenings discussing philosophy and reciting poetry ? enacting our own version of the "Dead Poets' Society". Clan, or better said that old version of it, will always be part of my nostalgic remembrance of such happy times. It seemed such an honest blend, so tasteful, so trustworthy ? even after I discovered a truly high-quality favorite, Dunhill's London Mixture.

After more than a decade without puffing any pipe at all, I stumbled upon the old Amphora pipe. Trying to exorcise the sadness of fleeting years, I polished the briar, bought a pouch of Clan, disappointed to know that London Mixture had been meanwhile discontinued. I filled the bowl full of enthusiasm and nostalgia?

And then I got a second disappointment. This is not the Clan I knew. This is not even a decent tobacco, however cheap it might be priced. Clan has become a meaningless name in a label placed upon pouches containing dry grass, chloride and god-knows-what. It scorches the tongue as if it had been cased with napalm, then paves it with second-grade asphalt. So many expectations of reviving a bliss, such an anti-climax.

2 people found this review helpful.

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Chimney1966 (5)   2008-01-16   
Medium to Strong   Medium   Medium   Pleasant
First of all, have to say, this tobacco is such that, either you like it, or you hate it. This tobacco would actually deserve grading "seven and half out of ten" (3 stars, when 4 is max). BUT, when asked "additionally" two questions: 1. Is this tobacco worth of the money? (Yes, it aint expensive, its about the cheapest one available here, and easiest to get from almost all kiosks and supermarkets) 2. Does it do what it is intended to do? (Yes, it certainly satisfies the basic need, nothing really fancy, but it certainly does it job even better than some more expensive "fancy blends") As conclusion, it earned all the stars.

Now, to the detailed assessment... Like so many others, I remeber this tobacco from my early childhood, my grandfather used to smoke this blend between 1967 and 1969 (he shifted from cigarettes to be a pipesmoker in 1967 and gave up smoking entirely 1969), and naturally there were lots of fond memories related to this. Even during time I was kid, I liked Clans tobacco pouch aroma, as as it was similar to strong liquorice ("salmiak") due ammonium chloride. I also noticed already then how well its packs in the bowl (as three years old, during late 1969 I sometimes had proviledge to "load" the pipe for my grandfather, and quickly learned how easy it was to pack properly) When I bought my first pipe (Dunhill, during 1992) I used first this blend as the tobacco to form the cake into the new bowl. And Clan was the tobacco which was to set the standards of being "the basic" pipe tobacco.

Regarding the CUT: The cut of Clan is a PROPER pipe tobacco cut, and is far superior than those unfortunate Scandinavian thin shag cuts (due their "roll your own" uses) which have in Scandinavian market "spoiled" Borkums Riff and Amphora tobaccos (and which really can damage the bowl of your pipe while burning excessively hot, and when too moist, are really prone to cause tongue bite). So, if visiting Scandinavia, and need to get a re-supply of pipe tobacco, Clan is fairly safe choice.

The distinctive "chemical smell" mentioned earlier by few reviewers (poupehan, Eldrich) is, no doubt, ammonium chloride which has been sprinkled over the blend. And just like Eldrich mentioned, I have heard similar stories that opening the pouch will cause this particular tobacco to loose its strength really fast (and relatively strong becames "extra mild"). Only way to secure that this tobacco will hold its slight moist and aroma is to pack it immediately after opening the pouch into a glass jar with airtight rubber seal and wire locked lid (this particular tobacco really needs "gastight" storage) So, as cheap as this tobacco might be, it is fairly demanding regarding proper storage. Also if this has been in shop shelf for long time, it might have lost some its strength. On the other hand.., if first bowl is too strong for you, store some of the tobacco (for bowl or two) in tiny metal box (without airtight seal) for a day...

Proper spicy flavor prevents beginners from buffing too hard, so actually this is suitable belnd for beginners (and then they can find something better smokes as "pleasant discoveries"). there are 14 different and it can be noticed while in pouch and while smoke. No doubt, there is Latakia, than can be tasted as well as Virginia and Burley. No wonder, so many cigarette smokers changed to this, as "a natural continuation". I have seen that there are additional variants of Clan such as Mild and Malt Whisky but never tried neither of them (even I would like to try Clan Malt Whisky sometime). Mild is available from local tobacco shop, but the another not...

Talking about room note of this tobacco is bit under-estimated in "size scale". As I was visiting one fairly small town (with not much traffic) as I walked along the street, I suddenly noticed clear aroma of Clan, and as I looked around, fellow (whom I knew) was standing across the street (in range of about 30 yards) and smoked his pipe...(so, in scale, almost "a street note") Distinctive (almost territorial) room note of Clan is fairly individualistic nowdays. Long time ago it was quite common, but nowdays relatively rare, but although fairly distinctive, most find it pleasant (and possibly due relatively rare encounter).

And just as ROMMER mentioned in earlier review, this tobacco really enters your system... After 20 minutes you can feel it, and its effect will last about 4 hours... Old folks used to say that this stuff enchances the blood circulation for quite a while, so, during a cold and rainy November day while feet and hands feel really cold, bowlful of Clan certainly "corrects" that (at least did that to me), during hot day (or in hot climate) might make someone to sweat. This might be reason why most loyal Clan smokers were old men...

I keep collection of dirrerent brands and blends of pipe tobacco stored for diffrerent occations, and most are more fancy (and expensive) than Clan, but Clan is "the old reliable" which has earned its place amongst the tobacco stock. When I can not decide which to enjoy a bowlful, then I choose Clan... In case I use my Peterson 303 System (which does not have a filter) I load bottom of the bowl (about 1/4 layer) with W.O.Larsens Old Fashioned, and then 3/4 of Clan. Clan provides the spice and bottom layer of Old Fashioned takes care that fine ash of perfectly combusting Clan does not endup to the bit... And it is fairly perfect smoke... I have enjoyed every bowl, never had tonguebit or irritation... Actually.., one time as I was once again affected by paper dust allergy (after processing old archive files the dust from old papers made my throat sore and nose running and feel really miserable) I loaded the bowl of my pipe (in frustration and miserable feeling condition) really full of Clan and smoked it during 30 minutes time... And after that, my thoroat was no longer dry or sore, and my nose was no longer running.., so, I dare to say Clan worked like anti-histamine and stopped allergic rhinitis... Indeed smells like medicine, but works like one too... Now you know, why Clan is one of my favourites...

Update: Earlier I smoked "original Clan", but latest have been DK made (made by Orlik), and although nicotone kick has somewhat reduced (milder than earlier), I just bought 200 grams tin of this stuff, so, it can not be all that bad as many think...

2 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Steerpike (60)   2007-03-16   
Mild   Mild   Medium   Very Pleasant
I really enjoy this tobacco. It was always my fathers smoke of choice, so perhaps thats why I like it so much, the aroma seems comfortably familiar. Its a quite natural tasting aromatic in the Dutch tradition, very mild. The aroma is sweetenet with a subtle dose of vanilla, that does not mask the tobacco flavour, as in so many more heavily cased blends, but sweetens and adds to it. The tobacco is cut quite fine, into long even ribbons without too much stemmy bits, and is quite easy to pack evenly, due to the very even cut of the tobacco, although it helps to tease it apart a litle as you fill, rather than just stuffing it in. It lights as easily as it packs, and does not go out. This baccy does seem to vary a little from pouch to pouch in its moisture content, some can be a little damp, and so tend to gurgle, but this can be overcome by leaving it open for a while. Due to the sugars in it it is unlikely to get crispy dry though, so never really dries out in the pouch. A truly excellent aromatic.


Not having smoked this in a while, I got a pouch, and immediately wondered why I had been wasting my time trying so many other aromatics. If there is a perfect aromatic this is it. Admittedly there are others that are sweeter, like a vannilla explosion when you light up. But they also burn hotter, wetter and steamier, with far less taste of tobacco. They also represent an olfactory assult on anybody in the room not unlike an overdose of perfume, which is all very well if people like vanilla/cherry/whatever else but some don't. The aroma of clan is indeed unobtrusive, sweet in its own way, but the sweetness is so artfully blended in that it cannot be told apart from the smell of the tobacco as with some sweeter blends. The tobaccos used in this blend are diverse, and the casings include rum, vanilla, and liquorice, in restrained doses. I've not found that anybody dislikes its aroma, but many people have told me that it smells nice, including a number of people with an absolute aversion to tobacco smoke.

2 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Tantric (284)   2002-08-08   
Mild to Medium   Medium   Mild to Medium   Very Pleasant
Another traditional, readily available, easy to smoke mixture, with a very characteristic Dutch note despite the heavy but agreeable casing. Basically medium brown tobaccos, very fine cut in long thin ribbons (which if scissor-cut could actually be smoked in a cigarette), Clan is perhaps one of the most popular pipe tobaccos in Europe. You can find it almost anywhere, including airports and news stands. If not used to the Dutch processing techniques?which are similar to the French caporal taste (this one, believe it or not, does have some Oriental leaf varieties, probably from the Indonesian regions that were once Dutch colonies)?it may at first taste a little bit harsh. Because of the fine cut it may also produce a severe case of tongue bite. But once you get used to it, and master the skill of puffing slowly, it is a good alternative when stranded in unfamiliar places with no proper tobacconist nearby. It is not a goopy tobacco?in fact it is rather dry?and you have to take care not to overfill the bowl. It burns dry, and the sweetness of the casing, though present throughout the smoke, is not strong enough to obliterate the tobacco flavour underneath. Think of it as an aromatic version of the Flying Dutchman. All in all, not a bad smoke, along the lines of Gold Block and the Amphora range, but with a slightly sharper edge to it. The aroma, by the way, is one of the most appreciated qualities of this blend, and even non smokers seem to be enthusiastic about it.


NB: I read the esteemed Pipestud's comment regarding the St. Bruno/Clan comparison. I am sure he must be right. I have only tired St. Bruno ready rubbed. It seems the flake version (just like in Erinmore) is less sweet and stronger.

2 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Ripp The Jacker (4)   2016-04-18   
Mild   Mild   Extremely Mild (Flat)   Pleasant
From the name and pouch art you may be fooled into thinking this is some kind of Scottish mixture and may even conjure images in your mind of the highlands and whiskey etc - and you would be sadly hoodwinked. This blend is in fact a Dutch style aromatic and all the tartan artwork won't change that a jot.

Once you open up the pouch you are greeted by a most beguiling and enticing aroma of sweet liquor and molasses. That, unfortunately is where the good times end with this blend.

It packs easy enough and takes a flame well...a bit too well in fact, oh mate does this blend burn, even when sipping lightly the tobacco is so incendiary you find yourself at the bottom of the bowl in no time at all, this is where sipping comes in, because if you don't you'll get the worse tongue bite of your life.

The blend boasts 14 different tobaccos contained within but good luck tasting and identifying any of them, the flavour is incredibly flat, even retrohaling won't yield any substantial flavours.

At the end of the bowl you're left with a tingly tongue, a sense of disappointment and buyer's remorse...but hey, at least your room smells faintly nice!

A pleasant room note does not a good tobacco make, it's almost like a non-smoker created a blend that they would enjoy from an audience point of view. You'd be better off buying a much better blend and a cheap candle from Poundland to compensate for the room note. Seriously, give this one a miss, it's really not worth it.

Pipe Used: MM Legend, Brog Churchwarden

Age When Smoked: Fresh

Purchased From: Local Newsagent

Similar Blends: Van Rossems - Troost Aromatic Cavendish.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Pipe4ever (202)   2016-04-17   
Mild   Medium   Medium   Pleasant
This new Orlik version of CLAN is much different and much better than the original one, it is a ribbon cut blend, (no more shag), has a good, fresh quality tobacco flavor and it is less aromatic than the old version, mild and uncomplicated all day smoke. one of the best OTC tobacco pouch.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
cajun (11)   2015-09-20   
Very Mild   Strong   Medium   Pleasant
I live in the UK so when I first began pipe smoking I just had to try this classic. No matter what I did with it I couldn't take to it at all. The aroma was the only thing that had any appeal, and I found that as a novice I was prone to have difficulty in packing the very long strands into the pipe. A seasoned veteran pipe smoker suggested that I do as he did and mix it 50/50 with Condor ready rubbed. This had the effect of me abandoning it completely as I simply couldn't get the resulting concoction to burn properly.

I would say that, contrary to popular belief, this may be a tobacco for an experienced pipe smoker who knows how to fill and smoke a pipe properly. My early experiences of it were very negative, and I have never smoked it for over 30 years.

It obviously has a lot of appeal as it's still on sale in every other tobacco outlet in the UK. In Scotland the shops aren't allowed to put any tobacco products on display, so I now buy all my tobacco online. Pipe smoking is definitely no longer in fashion in the UK, and standing asking a young shop assistant whether they stock various pipe tobaccos, because you cannot see them on display, is sure to upset the younger element in the queue behind you waiting to buy their favourite cigarette rolling tobacco. Most of them cannot afford "real" cigarettes.

Sorry, went off the topic there. In short, I would say that everybody should try this mixture, and those who can identify 3 of the 14 tobaccos in the mixture should be offered a prize. Air freshener sprays are cheaper in the UK than this aromatic tobacco, and won't burn the bowl out of your pipe.

Pipe Used: various

Age When Smoked: straight from pretty packet

Purchased From: Various pipe shops of olde

Similar Blends: Cannot answer that one.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Telling it how it is. (73)   2015-08-07   
Mild   Mild   Mild to Medium   Tolerable
I am trying to come up with a way to describe the pouch aroma, but i fail. It is of undefined sweetness, some alcoholic hint and some spiciness.

Packing and lighting are easy and pretty much the only good thing to say about it, is its excellent and fast burning properties. But as has been said so many times, it burns hot, hot, hot. That becomes better when you do recondition the always dry contents.

Taste is sweet, and spicy, with some slight alcohol note. And believe it or not, you will get plenty of tobacco taste as well.

It does not has as much of a tongue burn but it literally rips your tongue apart. Think brushing your tongue with sandpaper, that is pretty much the experience traditionally offered by Clan. Again, something that gets better if you humidify the tobacco to a proper condition. But it still will just torture you no matter what you do.

If you do not know the history of this blend then all you need to know is that it was made up to get rid of all the scraps that where produced when making other blends. That's no joke either, an ex-employee of Niemeyer confirmed that, so here is your answer to that question. And also the answer as to why its still in production.

Room note is of some heavy sweetness and its gotten better with its current incarnation. But you still either like it or not, there is no middle ground as it seems.

Do i recommend this blend? Well, that depends. I do recommend this blend because in all its inferiority it still is a true need to know tobacco. But for its plain evilness i do not recommend this tobacco to anyone. So, in the end you have to make up your mind on your own ....

Pipe Used: It went trough rotation.

1 person found this review helpful.

Reviewed By   Date   Rating   Strength   Flavoring   Taste   Room Note
Pipenick (26)   2014-12-16   
Mild   Mild to Medium   Mild   Tolerable

EL NUEVO BAR DE MANOLO | "Charlas de Café" / Re:Abrió mesa Don Pablín
« en: Agosto 28, 2016, 03:56:19 pm »
Buenas tardes, Manolony Amparo!, recalando con hambre y ganas de algo rico. Que tienen para ofrecer...?  ...hmm! lomo de atún a la plancha, arroz hervido y ensalada de rúcula con aceto, pimienta y aceite de oliva. Venga!, con un buen Malbec en la mesa de la ventana que mira al río...
Me prendo!! Como Don Pablín abrió la mesa, es el que paga.....jajajja ???

Venga, acérquese Don Alfredo, corre por mi cuenta!

Buen domingo y mejor semana

En tres foros que conozco se han ido vaciando pues se formaron grupos en whatsapp con un dinamismo y algo mas de cercanía que los foros.

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