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pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Espuma de Mar
« en: Octubre 15, 2016, 09:42:57 am » que con un idioma no alcanza.  :) :) :) Un abrazo grande, Don Alfredo

Muelle Público / Re:Me presento
« en: Octubre 09, 2016, 11:02:12 am »
Muy lindo arroyo el pajarito, en que parte estás?, pasando una familia que no recuerdo su nombre, su casa es de color terracota, ya agua no hay (profundidad).

En fin, bienvenido y que disfrutes del foro como lo hacemos el resto

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Espuma de Mar
« en: Octubre 09, 2016, 10:57:31 am »
Para la labor de hoy por la mañana se ofreció una pipa de Espuma de Mar con boquilla simil ambar, la cual fuma muy bien, es liviana, no calienta y junta poca humedad para este tipo de pipas, a diferencia de las de madera.

El tabaco es Da Vinci el cual pueden consultar mas abajo en un hilo con una labor anterior en una Peterson Aran

Conocido también como sepiolita, es un mineral del grupo VIII (Filosilicatos), según la clasificación de Strunz de fórmula química Mg4Si6O15(OH)2·6H2O. Cristaliza en sistema ortorrómbico y posee una dureza de 2 en la Escala de Mohs. Presenta fractura concoidea, exfoliación ausente, brillo opaco y raya blanca.

Conocido también con el nombre alemán Meerschaum ("espuma de mar"), este mineral fibroso posee unas características físicas que lo hacen muy adecuado para el labrado de figuras y objetos ornamentales, actividad que se ha llevado a cabo con gran destreza en algunos de los países en los que se encuentran los yacimientos más importantes. Sin embargo, como piedra preciosa tiene un valor relativamente bajo debido a su escasa dureza.

Se hacen pipas con tallas maravillosas, verdaderas obras de arte.

Buenos días, Manolín, Amparo!, temprano, fresco y a puro sol, hmmm...!, se siente un rico olor a pan casero que viene del horno de barro...   ...por favor, me llevas un café con leche a la mesa al lado de la ventana, pan y dulce casero mas queso blanco, seguro que algún amigo habrá de acercarse y varios seremos...

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Colección de Pipas
« en: Octubre 09, 2016, 06:56:03 am »
Lo siento, ya no se que tocar.

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Colección de Pipas
« en: Octubre 09, 2016, 06:55:18 am »

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Colección de Pipas
« en: Octubre 09, 2016, 06:53:49 am »
Imgur es el que tengo, incluso en otras épocas me he cansado de subir fotos al foro, no se que pudo haber pasado.... ....hago click en inserta una imagen y me aparecen como si fueran dos corchetes que dicen img en cada uno de ellos, etá bien lo que hago? y lo coloco entre medio de ambos pares de corchetes

Pruebo, nuevamente...

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Re:Nuevas Adquisiciones
« en: Octubre 09, 2016, 06:46:52 am »
Buenos días, he recibido el paquete de España, me encuentro abrumado pues he recibido todo y se encuentra en perfectas condiciones tengo varias joyitas por su calidad, precio y estado. Una BC a Metz y Maitre Pipier Extra se llevan las coronas, el resto son fantàsticas, también y tabacos para disfrutar un montón:
Perfection de Samuel Gawith, una rica mezcla ingles a base de latakia
Un box con 5 pouch de Condor (verde), un virginia rico y fuerte contenido nicotínico
Carter Hall, semi suave y dulzón
Siryan Vintage de Mac Baren en lata de 100 grs., a base de latakia
Un pack de Toscanos italianos Anticos, bantante apestositos y fortachones

Contanos de tu AVATAR / Re:selfie
« en: Octubre 01, 2016, 12:07:58 pm »
Todo un galán, Vito!

Fauna / Re:Carpas en el Parque de la costa
« en: Octubre 01, 2016, 12:06:18 pm »
Ufff...!, da miedo de solo saberlo. En lugar de componer la situación la empeoran. Gracias, doc

pipas, tabacos, humos y vapores / Carter Hall-Tabaco
« en: Octubre 01, 2016, 12:03:10 pm »
El día de hoy ha tocado una labor con Carter Hall en una pipa española marca Ena de shape Bent Bulldog. Este aromático está compuesto de burley, virginia, chocolate y bourbon, suave, semidulce, de corte Ribbon algo mas delgado que un Ready Rubbed, ideal para todo el día, huele rico y nos es agresivo al paladar, si no se lo apura se mantiene indemne de principio a fin. Para aquellos que deseen saber mas, aquí un review:

40 years ago I tried this blend and hated it. I wasn't ready for burley blends. Except for my occasional SWRA forays, my reluctance for smoking OTCs since then was hard to break. Recently, I decided to try it again. It's a bit nutty, with a mild chocolate, and a little molasses, along with a light bourbon topping. The toppings do weaken a tad toward the finish, and the natural tobacco flavors become more obvious. The nic-hit is mild. It burns cool and evenly, doesn't need to be relit much, packs very easily, with a very pleasant after taste. Leaves just a little moisture in the bowl. It goes well with any drink you choose. Some people kind of look askance at the thought of smoking an OTC. Don't expect more from it than it's meant to be, and you will enjoy it. There are more expensive burley blends and some of them are better than this, but for the price and convenience and taste, it's worth being in your rotation if you like burleys.

Mild   Mild   Medium   Tolerable
My 90 year old pipesmoking mentor smokes this blend exclusively. He will accept tins of the high-dollar tobacco that I sometimes bring him, and smoke them, but a few months later when I stop by for a visit, there's a can of Carter Hall sitting beside his easy chair, open and ready for the next fill of the pipe.

My friend is a pipesmoker like the old men I remember from my youth. He gets his pipes from Wal Mart and smokes them till they "wear out," and then buys some more. No fancy tobacco jars, no special packing technique, just a dip, a push of the thumb and light 'er up, tamp once and relax.

And so I like this blend. Not only because my pipesmoking friend smokes it, but I like the way CH packs, lights, burns steady and without too much fuss. I inhale occasionally and the draw feels good. This blend is just steady and unpretentious, like my friend, and I know I'll always have a tub of this on hand. Whenever I leave after a visit, the old pipesmoker says, "Load up a bowl before you go." That's the way I think of Carter Hall, easy-going and always ready with a kind offer of a good smoke.

Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Mild to Medium   Pleasant to Tolerable
This is an affordable gem. Carter Hall has a slighty nutty, faintly sweet taste that stays consistent throughout the bowl. There is nothing complex about this tobacco, which is a good thing. Sometimes simple is good. A bowl of CH in a cob is one of life's simple treasures.

Mild to Medium   None Detected   Mild   Pleasant to Tolerable
Let me start off by saying that when I first started smoking a pipe when I was 18 I tried to get things that 'smelled good'. You know the stuff, cherries, vanilla, etc. Later, I found my way to more tobacco-tasting tobaccos and by the time I was 19 I was working in the local tobacconist/pipeshop and dismissed the 'drugstore' blends from which I had graduated as cheap stuff, not worthy of my pipes.

Well, I'm older now and I hope that I am more mature. I am willing to confess my errors. Coming back to the pipe after 20 years of cigarettes, I just couldn't find my way back to an English type, tobacco tasting, all day, every day kinda smoke. Then I read the reviews here for Carter Hall. My smoking life has changed and I have learned something in the process.

Carter Hall is not fancy. It is about as 'plain-Jane' as you can get. It is just burley with a sprinkling of virginia flake. It is monochromatic; doesn't change much as you smoke it. But it burns to the bottom of the bowl without too much fuss and it burns to a fine white ash with no bits of charcoal left in the bottom of the pipe. It provides enough nicotine for this one to kick the cigs. And, while not an aromatic, no one seems to run away screaming because of the malodorous fumes emanating from the general direction of my smoldering Peterson. By itself, this is a good quality 'baccy' and its simplicity and straightforwardness are to be appreciated as such.

It is, as has been mentioned, probably the best pipeweed for breaking in a new pipe. Even smoking 1/2 pipes full initially, I have always had a difficult time caking up the bottom of the bowl. Not with Carter Hall. A good 4-6 smokes at half full and you are on your way to a nice cake down there.

Because of its rather neutral character, it is wonderful for taming down a blend that just isn't right, somehow. The addition of a little CH doesn't change the tast much and tones down strong flavors and bitey-ness. It is also great for working the ghosts of other blends out of your pipes.

Having said that this blend is great on its own, and it is, I have also experiemted using it as a base for some blending. Because of its nice easy, gentle burning qualities, it proves a good base for other things so as to give me a bit of variety. Variety is necessary in some things. (You don't eat the same thing for dinner every night do you?)

I can't say enough good things about this tobacco. If you haven't tried it, you should. It's plain and simple, true. But, there is value in the plain and simple. Give it a go.

I am often asked if I have a favorite "Drug Store" type blend. I always answer quickly that "yes, I do and it's Carter Hall." In fact, Carter Hall is a blend I smoke at least twice a day and is a wonderful tobacco to smoke late in the evening before calling it quits. Carter Hall is probably the most impressive of all the "drug store" blends I have tried because it tastes like tobacco without fruity casing, and has some strength to it. The Burley is top-shelf and provides a no-nonsense tobacco taste.

This tobacco is bite free and I doubt that even Thomas the Tank Engine could puff this stuff up into the hot zone. It also has some kind of component that makes the ash adhere to the walls of your pipe, thus, aids the caking process in new pipes.

Muchas gracias, Don Alfredo, acepto su invitación en un día fresco y a puro sol.

Muelle Público / Re:Me presento...
« en: Octubre 01, 2016, 11:52:41 am »
Bienvenido, Maguete

Muelle Público / Re:Me presento.......por segunda vez...
« en: Octubre 01, 2016, 11:51:58 am »
Bienvenido, Francisco

Fauna / Re:Carpas en el Parque de la costa
« en: Septiembre 18, 2016, 09:10:29 am »
Flavio, te cuento que en general frente a crecidas importantes luego cuando baja buena cantidad de peces quedan atrapados algunos por la falta de agua para salir y otros no puedo ser veraz en ello pero creo que deben quedar desorientados pues en la fluvial es muy común ver cardúmenes de bogas, bagres, sábalos, etc. de todo tamaño boqueando en la superficie en lugar de haber salir en la bajante. Me pasa igual, en cuanto a que me gustaría ir con redes para rescatarlos y devolverlos al Luján de donde vinieron en la creciente.

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